Cronologia della Tolkien Society e delle riviste collegate1

di Charles Noad

Questo è un elenco completo delle riviste della Tolkien Society e delle riviste correlate, dagli inizi della Società fino ai giorni nostri. Va notato che nella versione attuale di questo elenco permangono diverse incertezze riguardo alle date, agli invii multipli e simili, e quindi non deve ancora essere considerato definitivo.

Si è cercato di elencare le pubblicazioni non solo in ordine di pubblicazione, ma anche, per quanto possibile, cronologicamente in base alla data di uscita. Questo, tuttavia, non è stato un compito semplice, soprattutto per i primi anni. Il calendario di produzione effettivo delle riviste tendeva allora a essere piuttosto irregolare, indipendentemente dalle intenzioni dei produttori. In molti casi non c'è alcuna indicazione dell'epoca di pubblicazione al di là della data (cioè mese e anno) stampata sull'articolo stesso, mentre gli altri sono privi di data o, nel caso dei primi Mallorn, riportano solo l'anno. Qualche tempo dopo che l'attuale compilatore è entrato a far parte della Società (circa a metà del 1971), ha iniziato a scrivere a penna sulle copertine la data in cui ha ricevuto le pubblicazioni, sia per posta sia quando gliene è stata consegnata una in occasione di incontri locali della Società o di mailing party, il che consente di datarle in modo specifico. Altre date possono essere ricavate dai timbri postali sopravvissuti, almeno quando sono leggibili (molte delle prime riviste non venivano spedite in busta, ma semplicemente piegate e spillate, poi indirizzate e timbrate sulla copertina esterna). Altre collocazioni possono essere approssimativamente dedotte da riferimenti incrociati tra le riviste. Tuttavia, i vari elementi di prova non sono sempre coerenti. A volte ciò può essere dovuto al fatto che i riferimenti stessi non sono corretti (come è dimostrato in un paio di casi), o che una particolare rivista è stata spedita in date diverse sia da sola a un gruppo di destinatari sia come parte di un invio multiplo a un altro. Ho cercato di selezionare la datazione che sembra più coerente con le prove, ed è quella che viene presentata qui. Naturalmente, se qualche vecchio utente di TS che si trova a leggere questo documento ha qualche prova per correggere la presente elencazione, mi farebbe molto piacere sentirla.

Nell'elenco che segue, vengono presentati il titolo e il numero della rivista, seguiti dalla data indicata, quindi, tra parentesi, la data effettiva di pubblicazione, per quanto sia possibile accertarla, con un "?" o "ca." che riflette un grado di incertezza a volte irriducibile. Per gli invii multipli, invece, la data di pubblicazione viene indicata dopo l'intestazione e non per le singole riviste. Tra parentesi è indicato anche l'editore o il produttore dell'articolo. Se lo stesso redattore o produttore è responsabile di numeri successivi, il suo nome non viene ripetuto, ma vengono indicati solo i nomi dei nuovi redattori quando la redazione è cambiata. L'unica eccezione a questa regola è Mallorn, dove viene indicato il nome completo dell'editore per ogni numero. Vengono segnalati gli invii multipli e alcune voci sono corredate da note esplicative. In alcuni casi, la data che ho assegnato a una rivista coincide con quella di una riunione del Northfarthing Smial o di un Innmoot a Londra o dintorni a cui ho partecipato, indicando che potrei aver ricevuto l'articolo in questione a mano in quel momento.

Questi sono indicati con "[NF Smial meeting]" o "[NF Innmoot]" nella voce corrispondente. In altri casi, c'è stato un mailing party registrato (non tutti i mailing party - che sono stati comunque eliminati diversi anni fa - sono registrati) a cui ho partecipato, e questi sono indicati con "[NF mailing party]". In alcuni casi, le riviste in questione sono state distribuite in occasione di un'assemblea generale annuale o di Oxonmoot, e questo viene indicato in modo analogo. Anche in questo caso, un "?" indica incertezza.

In molti invii la rivista o le riviste erano accompagnate da uno o più inserti. Questi sono debitamente segnalati con un "₪", anche se, in particolare per le prime riviste, non sempre questi articoli sono sopravvissuti nella collezione del compilatore, su cui si basa il presente elenco. A rigore, gli inserti non dovrebbero essere considerati come appartenenti alla rivista in sé, ma semplicemente parte dell'invio insieme alla rivista. Tuttavia, alcuni inserti sono effettivamente intesi come parte della rivista con cui sono spediti e ciò è reso evidente da una nota tra parentesi. In ogni caso, presumo che le persone che trovano utile questo elenco vogliano comunque conoscere tali inserti. (Quando c'è stato un mailing party Northfarthing Smial sono stati aggiunti alcuni inserti extra per i destinatari di Londra, ma non sono stati annotati qui). Ci sono diversi casi in cui articoli come le relazioni sulle assemblee generali annuali o i cataloghi della Tolkien Society Trading non sono stati semplicemente spediti con la rivista, ma sono stati spillati o rilegati con essa.

Questi sono contrassegnati da una "Σ", che segue la rivista in cui l'articolo extra è stato rilegato. A volte non è del tutto chiaro se una o più pagine particolari possano essere considerate propriamente un extra, ma ho fatto del mio meglio con questa categoria. Questo dovrebbe essere ragionevolmente chiaro anche per gli invii multipli, anche se, in ogni caso, non ci sono casi in cui qualcosa di extra è stato rilegato in un Mallorn (ad eccezione dei nn. 2 e 3, dove la materia è specificata). Quando "Catalogo" e "Modulo d'ordine" sono indicati da soli, si riferiscono al catalogo e al modulo d'ordine della Tolkien Society Trading o al suo equivalente. Si noti inoltre che questo elenco (ancora una volta, almeno nella sua forma attuale) non comprende le pubblicazioni occasionali della Società, come gli atti dei seminari o i rapporti interni, ma solo le pubblicazioni (più o meno) regolari.


The Middle Earthworm No. 1, October (published ?October) (ed. Archie Mercer)

This ‘loczine’ was initially sent out to members of the Tolkien Society of America resident in the British Isles, for whom Archie Mercer acted as British agent, in order to put them into mutual touch (an address-list was provided), as well as to those science fiction fans whom he felt, as a veteran SF fan himself, might be interested in Tolkien, and also to some previous enquirers. (Special thanks to the indefatigable Gary Hunnewell for supplying me with a photocopy of this item.)


The Middle Earthworm No. 2, March (published ?March)

The Middle Earthworm No. 3, May (published May 25th)

The Middle Earthworm No. 4, August (published ?August)

The Middle Earthworm No. 5, October (published ?October)

Tolkien Society of Britain (published ?October) (Vera Chapman)

This was a ‘pre-inaugural leaflet’ for the hoped-for British Tolkien Society. (Society flyers separately issued are not normally included in this listing, but this one is of historical interest.)

The Middle Earthworm No. 6, November (published ?November)

Copy of Vera Chapman’s ‘pre-inaugural’ leaflet included.

Belladonna’s Broadsheet No. 1, ‘December/Foreyule’ (published ?December) (ed. Vera Chapman, aka ‘Belladonna Took’)


The Middle Earthworm No. 7, January (published ?mid-January)

The Middle Earthworm No. 8, March (published ?mid-March)

Belladonna’s Broadsheet No. 2, ‘Rethe/March’ (published ?late March)

Some copies may have contained a Tolkien Society membership application form [CHECK].

The Middle Earthworm No. 9, May (published ?May)

Belladonna’s Broadsheet No. 3, ‘Forelithe (June)’ (published ?mid-June)

This was the last Belladonna’s Broadsheet, to be replaced by The Mallorn, then projected as a quarterly.

The Middle Earthworm No. 10, July (published ?mid-July)

Gamma No. 1, no date (published ?early September) (ed. Phil Spencer)

A personal ’zine produced by early member Phil Spencer to get the British Tolkien Society moving.

The Middle Earthworm No. 11, September (published ?September)

Flyer/order form for the Pauline Baynes Map of Middle-earth from Allen & Unwin

Gamma No. 2, no date (published ?early–mid-October)

Just possibly, though on balance probably not, this magazine was included with the following mailing, but the evidence is inconclusive. On reflection, perhaps not.

MULTIPLE MAILING (?early– mid-October)

The Tolkien Society Bulletin No. 1, October (ed. Phil Spencer)


The Mallorn No. 1, 1970 (ed. Rosemary and Darroll Pardoe)

Note that only this issue was The Mallorn. Subsequent issues dropped the definite article. Just possibly, Gamma No. 2 was included in this mailing.

Copy of the Society’s Constitution (presumably the one initially drawn up by the then Treasurer, Philip Ansley-Watson, to allow the Society to open a bank account, but subsequently rejected at the November General Meeting)

Questionnaire (the response to which was discussed in Rosemary Pardoe’s Seagull personal ’zines (see below))

List of paid-up Society members (possibly dated September)

The Middle Earthworm No. 12, November (published ?late October)


The Tolkien Society Bulletin No. 2, undated


Gamma No.3, December


Kadath (Seagull No. 13), November (ed. Rosemary Pardoe)

Kadath was a personal flyer of Rosemary Pardoe’s, in which she explained her resignation from the editorship of Mallorn. Also covers answers to Mallorn questionnaire.

This mailing may have included a Runic Chart, the same one as later sent out with Mallorn No. 5


MULTIPLE MAILING (?late January)

Mallorn No. 2, 1971 (ed. Laurelindorenan Smial, ℅ Steve Thomson)

Σ Some copies of Mallorn No. 2 were distributed to a few retail outlets. They had reprints of some articles from Mallorn No. 1 stapled in at the end.


The Tolkien Society Bulletin No. 3, ‘Dec/Jan 70/71’


Gamma No. 4, undated.

The Readers’ Tern (Seagull No. 15), February (ed. Rosemary Pardoe) (published ?early March – note postal strike, January 20th – March 8th)

Further responses to Mallorn questionnaire.

The Middle Earthworm No. 13, January (published ?early March – note postal strike, January 20th – March 8th)

Council of Elrond (Grahame Lamb and Steve Parry) (published ??March)

A flyer from the Council of Elrond Smial.

Mallorn No. 3, 1971 (ed. Laurelindorenan Smial, ℅ Steve Thomson) (published ?June)

Σ Some copies of Mallorn No. 3 were distributed to a few retail outlets. They had reprints of some of the articles from Mallorn No. 1 stapled in at the end


The Tolkien Society Bulletin No. 4, June


Gamma No. 5, undated

It is possible that Mallorn No. 3 was distributed with these issues of The Tolkien Society Bulletin and Gamma, but the extant documentation is unclear on the point. Last issue of The Tolkien Society Bulletin

The Middle Earthworm No. 14, June (published June)

Mathom No. 1, July (published ?July) (ed. Grahame Lamb)

Possibly distributed with The Middle Earthworm No.14, as was the editor’s intention. Essentially a personal ’zine based in the north-west ‘dedicated to the appreciation of the works of Professor J.R.R. Tolkien’.

Mallorn No. 4, 1971 (published ?early September) (ed. Laurelindorenan Smial, ℅ Steve Thomson)

The Middle Earthworm No. 15, October (published ?late October)

News From Bree [No. 1], November (published ?start of November) (ed. Hartley Patterson)

News From Bree was a loczine started by Hartley Patterson in order to stir up the Tolkien Society in the absence of a regular bulletin. Later issues concentrated more on wargaming and diplomacy.

MULTIPLE MAILING (November 19th)

News From Bree No. 2, November


Mathom No. 2, November


Page 94, undated

Some of these apparently also had separate mailings. Page 94 (old readers of Private Eye will

understand the reference) was a flyer from Steven Thomson attempting to bring readers up-to-date on what had been happening in the Tolkien Society.

MULTIPLE MAILING (?early December)

News From Bree No. 3, ‘Nov 25 – Dec 3’


Gamma No. 6, undated



News From Bree No. 4, ‘Dec/Jan 1971/72’


Mathom No. 3, January


Gamma No. 7, undated

The last Gamma. Some of these apparently also had separate mailings.

MULTIPLE MAILING (?late January)

News From Bree No. 5, January


Anduril No. 0 [sic], January (ed. John Martin)

Not certain that these were in a single mailing, but they probably were.

4-page Society membership list

The Middle Earthworm No. 16, February (published ?early February)

Mathom No. 4, February (published ?February)

Nazgul [No. 1]. Undated (published ?February) (ed. John Abbott)

Nazgul was a personal ’zine whose unique approach to Tolkien reflected a wonderfully dry sense of humour. (Its inclusion in this list is perhaps unnecessary for the history of the Tolkien Society, but Nazgul was too good to be forgotten. ‘Oxonmoot’ had its origins with a suggestion in No. 4.)

News From Bree No. 6, March (published ?early March)

Mallorn No. 5, 1972 (published ?start of April) (‘Pro-Editor’: Belladonna Took)

Included Shields of Middle-earth chart

Runic chart

Anduril No. 1, April (published ?April)

₪ ‘Mail from Middle-earth (supplement)’

Brochure/order form for Tolkien books from Allen & Unwin

Mathom No. 5, May (published May 21st)

News From Bree No. 7, undated (published June 5th)

The Middle Earthworm No. 17, June (published June 8th)

Mathom No. 6, July (published July 6th)

Anduril No. 2, June (published July 14th)

Σ Mythopoeic Society flyer

Σ Stop Press ‘ “And There Were Rumour” [sic] Supplement’ – on Tolkien to be Hon. Pres. of T.S.

Notice with questionnaire on forthcoming AGM

This was effectively the last issue of Anduril to be a Tolkien Society bulletin.

News From Bree No. 8, August (published August 26th [NF Innmoot])

Supplement on Third Age diplomacy game, plus map

Flyer for ‘Birthday Party’ [Check]

Mathom No. 7, October (published October 17th)

The Middle Earthworm No. 18, October (published October 20th)

Henneth Annûn No. 1, November (published October 26th) (ed. John Martin)

This should have been Amon Hen’ No. 1, but, while typing up the first issue, the editor’s mind ‘was wandering somewhat…’.

News From Bree No. 9, ‘Oct-Nov’ (published November 7th)


Amon Hen No. 2, December


Anduril No. 3, November

Although Anduril No. 3 was included in this Tolkien Society mailing, it had effectively ceased to be a primarily Tolkien-related journal (Vera Chapman’s Secretary’s Report for 1972 only considers Andurils up to No. 2 as such). It continued thereafter as an independent general fantasy magazine. (According to Gary Hunnewell’s listing, No. 4 was published in July 1974, No.5 in July 1975, No. 6 in August 1976, and the last, No. 7, in February 1979.)

Nazgul No. 2, July (published ?late December)



Mallorn No. 6, undated (ed. Jon M. Harvey)


News From Bree No. 10, January

The Middle Earthworm No. 19, February (published February 4th)

Mathom No. 8, ‘January / February’ (published February 8th)

Amon Hen No. 3, January (published ?February 10th)

Amon Hen No. 4, April (published April 16th)


A Guide to Tolkien Oriented Fan Publications, no date (Jim Allan, but unattributed)


Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect £200, April (Hartley Patterson)

It is unclear if these items came together or separately, or came, in some cases, with Amon Hen No. 4 (in which case they should be prefaced by ₪). The second one listed fanzines received by Hartley Patterson.


Amon Hen No. 5, June


Mathom: The Bulletin of the Tolkien Society Library, undated (Peter Herring)


Nazgul No. 3, April

Nazgul No. 3 was probably also mailed separately from the other items listed.

Tolkien Society Membership Address List, dated May

A Guide to Tolkien Oriented Fan Publications (by Jim Allan, but unattributed)

Advertisement for Anduril No. 3

The abovementioned Mathom was a one-off, and should not be confused with the regular Mathoms noted in this listing.

The Middle Earthworm No. 20, June (published ?June)

Mathom No. 9, July (published July 22nd)

Σ ‘Radagast the Brown’, cartoons by John Abbott

Amon Hen No. 6, September (published September 17th)

Σ Supplement on Tolkien’s death on September 2nd

Mathom Supplement, September (dated September 18th)

On Tolkien’s death.

Mathom No. 10, October (published ?October 13th)

The Middle Earthworm No. 21, October (published October 18th)

MULTIPLE MAILING (January 2nd, 1974)

Mallorn No. 7, 1973 (ed. The Numenorean Smial ℅ Susan Adler)


Amon Hen [No. 7], October (ed. Keith Walker and Stuart Clark)


News From Bree No. 11, ‘Oct-Nov’

There may have been more than one mailing of the above, as Archie Mercer states that he got Mallorn and Amon Hen on December 28th. Some mailings of Amon Hen seem to been accompanied by a wrapround sheet with printed designs apparently of Orcs etc. on it.

Nazgul No. 4, December (published January 1974)


Amon Hen No. 8, January (published January 30th) (ed. Keith Walker)

The Middle Earthworm No. 22, February (published February 15th)

Amon Hen No. 9, February (published March 3rd) (ed. Keith Walker & Stuart Clark)

Mathom No. 11, March (published March 18th)

Mallorn No. 8, 1974 (published June 2nd) (Managing Editor Jon S. Simons)

The Middle Earthworm No. 23, June (published June 4th)

Amon Hen No. 10, June (published June 29th [?NF Innmoot]) (ed. Stuart & Rosie Clark)

Σ ‘The Printer’s Page’, unpaginated, stapled in at end

Amon Hen No. 11, August (published August 16th)

News From Bree No. 12, August (published ?August)

Σ Conan-in-Middle-earth parody stapled in as front cover

Σ Times of Caran (diplomacy) stapled in before first page of News From Bree

Mathom No. 12, August (published September 22nd)

Amon Hen No. 12, September (published ?early October)

The Middle Earthworm No. 24, October (published October 9th)

Amon Hen No. 13, October, 1974 (published November)

(I have ‘31.1.75’ pencilled on my copy, but I’m fairly sure November is correct.)

News From Bree No. 13, November (published December 15th [??NF Smial meeting])

Σ Dragon cartoon stapled in as front cover

Σ Horn-helmeted warrior cartoon stapled in at back


The Middle Earthworm No. 25, February (published February 7th)

Nazgul No. 5, February (published ?February)

Amon Hen No. 14, February (published ?February)

Just possibly this and Nazgul No. 5 were distributed at the Annual General Meeting on February 22nd.

News From Bree No. 14, March (published ?March)

Amon Hen No. 15, March (published April 26th)

The Middle Earthworm No. 26, ‘June or August’ (published May 31st)

Mallorn [No. 9], 1975 (published June 29th [?NF Smial meeting]) (Managing Editor Jon S. Simons)

Amon Hen No. 16, May (published July 7th)

Mathom No. 13. ‘January and June’ (published July 9th)

News From Bree No. 15, July (published July 26th [?NF Smial meeting])

Amon Hen No. 17, August (published September 2nd)

The Middle Earthworm No. 27, October (published September 24th)

Amon Hen No. 18, October (published ?December)


The Middle Earthworm No. 28, February (published ?February)

Nazgul No. 6, January (published ?February)

News From Bree No. 16 (published February 21st [?Annual General Meeting])

From this issue News From Bree became effectively a diplomacy/wargaming publication, with little or no Tolkien content. (I shall continue to list those I have in my collection, although that might change.) The date of publication coincides with the Tolkien Society Annual General Meeting of that year, so presumably Hartley distributed copies there.

News From Bree No. 17, March (published April 3rd)

Amon Hen No. 19, May (published May 25th) (ed. Jessica Kemball-Cook)

Slip with note on deadline for next issue

News From Bree No. 18, May (published June 5th)

The Middle Earthworm No. 29, June (published June 14th)

This was the last Middle Earthworm. It was succeeded by The Once and Future Worm, which had no particular Tolkienian orientation.

Amon Hen No. 20, June (published June 25th)

News From Bree No. 19, August (published August 19th)

Amon Hen No. 21, August (published ?August)

Mathom No. 14, August (published September 15th)

Last issue known to me.

Mallorn No. 10, [1976] (published October 17th [?NF Smial meeting]) (ed. Kevin Young)

Loose leaf inserted to extend article ‘The Hobbits’ by Kevin Young

Amon Hen No. 22, October (published November 14th [?NF Smial meeting])

Amon Hen No. 23, December (published January 16th, 1977)

Flyer about forthcoming Silmarillion with information about arrangement with Allen & Unwin concerning advance orders for the book

Flyer for Society dinner in connection with forthcoming ‘Drawings by Tolkien’ exhibition and with announcement concerning Membership Secretary


News From Bree No. 20, January (published ?January)

Amon Hen No. 24, February (published February 13th)

Nazgul No. 7, ‘LATE 1976 ?’ (published February 26th)

The last issue, alas.

Amon Hen No. 25, April (published April 2nd [?NF Innmoot])

News From Bree No. 21, April (published April 14th)

[At least three further issues, in August 1977, 1978 and September 1980, according to Gary Hunnewell’s listing.]

Amon Hen No. 26, May (published May 15th [?NF Smial meeting])

Amon Hen No. 27, June (published July 17th [?NF Smial meeting])

Order form for Folio Society Lord of the Rings, a special arrangement for people who are members of the Tolkien Society but not of the Folio Society

Amon Hen No. 28, August (published September 5th) (ed. Steve Wood)

Flyer/booking form for ‘Facets of Tolkien’ at Church House Bookshop in Westminster on September 16th

Mallorn No. 11, [1977] (published November 2nd) (ed. Kevin Young)

Amon Hen No. 29, [?October] (published December 3rd [?NF Smial meeting])


Amon Hen No. 30, January (published January 17th)

Amon Hen No. 31, March (published March 19th [?NF Smial meeting])

Amon Hen No. 32, [?May] (published May 30th)

Amon Hen No. 33, July (published August 6th) (acting ed. Jessica Yates [<Kemball-Cook], who had to take over from Steve Wood, who had to give up editing Amon Hen due to health problems.)

Amon Hen No. 34, August (published September 12th) (acting ed. Jessica Yates)

4-page flyer to do with Mythopoeic Society business

Allen & Unwin flyer for Tolkien books

Amon Hen No. 35, October (published October 15th [?NF Smial meeting]) (ed. Jeremy Morgan)

Amon Hen No. 36, December (published December 2nd [?NF Innmoot])

Flyer/order form for War of the Ring game from SPI

Mallorn No. 12, 1978 (published December 17th [?NF Smial meeting]) (ed. Kevin Young)


Amon Hen No. 37, February (published February 13th)

Amon Hen No. 38, April (published May 5th [?NF Innmoot])

Amon Hen No. 39, June (published June 26th)

MULTIPLE MAILING (?August 19th [?NF Smial meeting])

Mallorn No. 13, 1979 (ed. Susan Rule)


Amon Hen No. 40, August

Amon Hen No. 41, October (published November 3rd [?NF Innmoot])

Amon Hen No. 42, December (published December 27th)

Unwin Paperbacks advert for (Bakshi) film version of Lord of the Rings book

Order form for film book


Amon Hen No. 43, January (published ?January)


Mallorn No. 14, 1980 (ed. Susan Rule)


Amon Hen No. 44, May

Allen & Unwin flyer advertising Tolkien gift sets

In Amon Hen, under ‘Tolk-Folk’, the Editor of Mallorn ‘regrets the apparent dating mistake in the editorial of the current issue (no. 14) which is due to an unavoidable delay in printing.’

Amon Hen No. 45, July (published July 21st) (ed. Brin Dunsire)

Oxonmoot flyer

MULTIPLE MAILING (September 16th)

Mallorn No. 15, September 1980 (ed. Susan Rule)


Amon Hen No. 46, September

Amon Hen No. 47, November (published November 28th)


Amon Hen No. 48, 29th December 1980 [>January 1981?] (published ?January 30th 1981)

Flyer on the AGM

Amon Hen No. 49, 10th March (published March 24th)

Amon Hen No. 50, 2nd May (published ?May 18th/20th [NF mailing party])

There was a ‘double mailing’ party on May 18th and another on the 20th, so Amon Hen No. 50 was probably mailed at one of these. Possibly this was a double mailing, with Mallorn No. 16 included.

Flyer/order form for Caedmon’s Tolkien recordings

Mallorn No. 16, May 1981 (published May 25th) (ed. Susan Rule, asst. ed. Steve Pillinger)

Not sure where the exact publication date comes from, but as it’s plausible I’ll let it stand.

₪ ‘Mallorn Questionnaire’

Amon Hen No. 51, 10th July (published July 25th) (ed. Jenny Smith)

Slip of paper with updates to Smials news

Amon Hen No. 52, 14th October (published November 7th [?NF Innmoot])

Small erratum slip

Mallorn No. 17, October 1981 (published November 14th) (ed. Susan Rule, asst. ed. Steve Pillinger)

Flyer for the British Fantasy Society

Amon Hen No. 53, 6th December (published ?December)


Amon Hen No. 54, February (published February 20th)

Allen & Unwin advert/order form for deluxe Silmarillion

Amon Hen No. 55, April (published May 1st [NF mailing party])

Oxonmoot registration form

Brochure on new Unicorn books

MULTIPLE MAILING (July 10th [mailing party])

Mallorn No. 18, June 1982 (ed. Jenny Curtis)


Amon Hen No. 56, June

Σ Special supplement on 1982 AGM

Flyer for Chasecrafts of Cannock, Staffordshire, marketing gold rings with the Ring inscription for £450

Amon Hen No. 57, August (published August 26th) (ed. Christine Woolrich)

Amon Hen No. 58, August [sic: >?October] (published November 11th [mailing party])

Oxonmoot flyer

Advert for Faith Tolkien’s plaque of Tolkien

MULTIPLE MAILING (January 23rd, 1983 [NF mailing party])

Mallorn No. 19, December 1982 (ed. Jenny Curtis)


Amon Hen No. 59, December

There is some slight uncertainty as to whether this was a multiple mailing but it very probably was.

Allen & Unwin colour brochure for Tolkien books

Order form for Allen & Unwin books

Midgårds Fylking flyer

Unwin Paperbacks order form

Note on special offer of Paul Gregory print

Order form for Tolkien Society merchandise (T-shirts, greeting cards, ties, etc.)


Amon Hen No. 60, February (published ?March)

Flyer for AGM

Oxonmoot flyer

Oxonmoot registration form

Amon Hen No. 61, May (published June 18th)

For some reason, this issue was slightly smaller than the usual A5.

Σ Special supplement on 1983 AGM

Working party questionnaire

Order form for Greetings cards, etc.

Amon Hen No. 62, July (published August 13th [NF mailing party])

₪ ‘Late News’ flyer

SGM report

Advert for Åke Jönsson’s Tolkien bibliography

Advert for an ancestry-tracing service

Amon Hen No. 63, August (published September 11th [NF mailing party])

Further SGM report

MULTIPLE MAILING (November 19th [NF mailing party])

Mallorn No. 20, September 1983 (ed. Jenny Curtis)


Amon Hen No. 64, October (ed. Colin Davey)

Booking form for AGM

Order form for Tolkien Society merchandise (T-shirts, sweatshirts, greetings cards, etc.)

Allen & Unwin Fantasy Fiction (including Tolkien) colour brochure

Announcement about new Sales Officer and availability of badges

Amon Hen No. 65, December (published February 12th 1984 [NF mailing party])

Flyer for AGM

Booking form for AGM


Amon Hen No. 66, March (published April 1st [NF mailing party])

Flyer for AGM

Booking form for AGM

Amon Hen No. 67, May (published June 17th [NF mailing party])

Σ Special supplement on 1984 AGM

Oxonmoot registration form

₪ ‘Important Notice’ from Sales Officer Jeremy Morgan about ordering goods

OUP flyer for book on Charles Williams

Advert for a stage version of The Hobbit at the Phoenix Theatre, Leicester

MULTIPLE MAILING (August 4th [NF mailing party])

Mallorn No. 21, June 1984 (ed. Jenny Curtis)


Amon Hen No. 68, July

Oxonmoot registration form

Slip about Central TV programme ‘Tolkien Remembered’

Amon Hen No. 69, September (published September 22nd)

Amon Hen No. 70, November (published November 18th [NF Smial meeting])

Flyer for AGM

Allen & Unwin ‘Fantasy Fiction’ colour brochure


Amon Hen No. 71, January (published January 27th [?NF mailing party])

AGM Information sheet

AGM booking form

Amon Hen No. 72, March (published March 21st [NF mailing party])

Oxonmoot information sheet

Oxonmoot registration form

MULTIPLE MAILING (May 29th [NF mailing party])

Mallorn No. 22, April 1985 (ed. Jenny Curtis)


Amon Hen No. 73, May

Σ Special supplement on 1985 AGM

Oxonmoot information sheet

Oxonmoot registration form

Flyer for six posters depicting Tolkienian themes from Barad Ecthelion, available from Mike Percival

Flyer for production of The Hobbit at the Queen’s Theatre, Hornchurch

Amon Hen No. 74, July (published July 28th)

Oxonmoot flyer

Oxonmoot registration form

Tolkien Society Lending Library Booklist

List of Committee members and their responsibilities

Copy of the Society Constitution

Amon Hen No. 75, September (published September 22nd [NF mailing party])

Amon Hen No. 76, November (published November 24th) (ed. Iwan Rhys Morus)

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter


Amon Hen No. 77, January (published February 1st [NF mailing party])

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter

Slip advising of new Amon Hen copy date

AGM booking form

Notice of Rayner Unwin’s talk, ‘Publishing Tolkien’, presented by the Cambridge Tolkien Society

Amon Hen No. 78, March (published March 23rd)

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter

Oxonmoot information sheet

Oxonmoot registration form

₪ ‘AH78 – Supplement’ with notes on AGM and TS membership list

Amon Hen No. 79, May (published May 30th [NF mailing party])

Σ Special supplement on 1986 AGM

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter (in centre)

Oxonmoot information sheet

Oxonmoot registration form

₪ ‘Important Announcement’ about Oxonmoot registrations

MULTIPLE MAILING (August 3rd [NF mailing party])

Mallorn No. 23, Summer 1986 (ed. Denis Bridoux)


Amon Hen No. 80, July

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter

Σ ‘Smial Map’ and list of Smials stapled into middle of above item

Oxonmoot Progress Report (3 separate leaves)

₪ ‘Stop Press’ flyer about Canadian composer Glenn Buhr’s ‘Beren and Lúthien’ piece, plus a couple of other matters.

Amon Hen No. 81, September (published September 20th [?Oxonmoot])

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter

Amon Hen No. 82, November (published ?November 30th)

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter


Amon Hen No. 83, January (published January 25th [NF mailing party])

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter

1987 Workshop booking form

AGM booking form

Amon Hen No. 84, March (published March 22nd)

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter

Oxonmoot information sheet

Oxonmoot registration form

Advert for commemorative Hobbit sweatshirt with advert for Bodleian Library Hobbit Drawings exhibition on the reverse side

Amon Hen No. 85, May (published June 7th [NF mailing party])

Σ Special supplement on 1987 AGM

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter (in centre)

Oxonmoot information sheet

Oxonmoot registration form

1992 questionnaire

Flyer for 50th anniversary Hobbit sweatshirt

Amon Hen No. 86, July (published ?early September)

I have a note for a mailing party for August 8th.

Note about lateness of Amon Hen No. 85

Oxonmoot Progress Report

MULTIPLE MAILING (September 25th [Oxonmoot])

Mallorn No. 24, September 1987 (ed. Denis Bridoux)


Amon Hen No. 87, September (ed. Mike Percival)

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter

Amon Hen No. 88, November (published November 22nd [NF mailing party])

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter


Amon Hen No. 89, January (published January 23rd [NF mailing party])

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter

Slip about Northfarthing Smial on BBC World Service

AGM booking form

Tolkien Workshop booking form

Amon Hen No. 90, March (published March 13th [?NF Smial meeting])

There was a mailing party the next day.

Amon Hen No. 91, May (published May 22nd [mailing party])

Σ Special supplement on 1988 AGM

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter (in centre)

Slip about Vera Chapman’s 90th birthday

Oxonmoot information sheet

Oxonmoot registration form

Amon Hen No. 92, July (published July 31st [NF mailing party])

Oxonmoot Progress Report

Oxonmoot information sheet

Oxonmoot registration form

MULTIPLE MAILING (September 23rd [Oxonmoot])

Mallorn No. 25, September 1988 (ed. Denis Bridoux)

Erratum slip (for Mallorn)

Index for Mallorns 1–20 (for Mallorn)


Amon Hen No. 93, September

Corrigendum slip (for Amon Hen)

Flyer for 1988 Workshop Proceedings

Amon Hen No. 94, November (published November 28th [NF mailing party])

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter

Slip on broadcast of ‘Keep the Memory Green’ on BBC Radio 4

Slip on the ‘LotR’y Raffle’ for a Ted Nasmith painting

Order form for sweatshirts, etc.


Amon Hen No. 95, January (published January 29th [NF mailing party])

Σ Mathom: The Smials’ Newsletter (Subsequent Mathoms are printed as part of the magazine)

AGM booking form

Slip giving details on another screening of the Bakshi LotR at the National Film Theatre

Slip advertising the 1989 Workshop

Advert for ‘Creature Comforts’ caravan lets

Amon Hen No. 96, March (published March 14th [NF mailing party])

₪ ‘Stop Press’ about Committee candidates

1989 questionnaire

Workshop booking form

Amon Hen No. 97, May (published May 25th [NF mailing party])

Σ Special supplement on 1989 AGM

Oxonmoot registration form

slip about Summermoot

Queen Galadriel booking form

Amon Hen No. 98, July (published ?July)

Perhaps the mailing party of July 30th was for this.

Slip about new Sales Officer

Flier for Centenary Conference

Registration form for Centenary Conference

Oxonmoot registration form

MULTIPLE MAILING (September 22nd [Oxonmoot])

Mallorn No. 26, September 1989 (ed. Denis Bridoux)

Corrigenda slip (for Mallorn)

Errata slip (for Mallorn)


Amon Hen No. 99, September

I have a note for a ‘pre-Oxonmoot packaging’ for September 18th, presumably for these magazines; also, another mailing on September 25th, presumably to send the magazines to everyone not at Oxonmoot.

Order form for sweatshirts etc.

Note on Mathom editor’s address

₪ ‘Message from the Sales Officer’

Notice of the play Shadowlands

Amon Hen No. 100, November (published ?November)

There was a mailing party on November 26th, so perhaps this magazine should be so dated.

Σ Reset reprint of Henneth Annûn No. 1

Note on electing Society officers at AGM

AGM accommodation booking form


Amon Hen No. 101, January (published February 4th) (ed. Tony Curtis)

AGM booking form

Amon Hen No. 102, March (published March 31st [Annual General Meeting])

I have photos of a mailing sometime after the AGM, perhaps for copies not distributed at the AGM.

Note of sympathy to Rikki Breem on her husband’s death

Amon Hen No. 103, May (published May 24th)

Σ Special supplement on 1990 AGM

Oxonmoot registration form

Amon Hen No. 104, July (published August 7th)

Note on Rob Inglis at Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Oxonmoot registration form

Oxonmoot Progress Report

MULTIPLE MAILING (September 21st [?Oxonmoot])

Mallorn No. 27, September 1990 (ed. Denis Bridoux)

Some Mallorns possibly sent out on September 8th.

Erratum slip (for Mallorn)


Amon Hen No. 105, September.

₪ ‘Important Notice’ about subscription cheques lost in post

Amon Hen No. 106, November (published ?December 9th)

AGM booking form

Centenary Conference registration form

Order form (for sweatshirts, scarves, badges, cards, etc.)


Amon Hen No. 107, January (published February 3rd)

AGM booking form

AGM announcement

Copy of Society Constitution

Amon Hen No. 108, March (published ?March)

Annual Seminar booking form

Amon Hen No. 109, May (published ?May)

Σ Special supplement on 1991 AGM

Summermoot notice

Society Constitution

Oxonmoot registration form

Flyer for Battle of Maldon ‘Re-enactment Spectacular’

Order form

Note on new sweatshirt design

Amon Hen No. 110, July (published August 7th)

Oxonmoot flyer/registration form

Oxonmoot Progress Report


Mallorn No. 28, September 1991 (ed. David Doughan)

Note about print quality (for Mallorn)


Amon Hen No. 111, August.

Unclear if this was a multiple mailing, but it probably was. (Possibly distributed at Oxonmoot, held on September 20th–22nd. I have a note about a mailing party on September 15th for ‘pre-Oxonmoot envelope-stuffing’.)

Amon Hen No. 112, November (published ?November) (ed. Nick Brown)

Note on toast for Tolkien’s birthday

Note on ‘Belladonna Took’s Hobbit Tea Party’ (possibly only for Northfarthingers?)


Amon Hen No. 113, January (published February 2nd)

Slip for British Museum exhibition of Anglo-Saxon Art and Culture

Call for new Publicity Officer

Note on Centenary Conference accommodation

Order form, including T-shirt with Pauline Baynes dragon design

Advert for Faith Tolkien’s plaque of Tolkien

Amon Hen No. 114, March (published April 2nd)

Note appealing for help with Russian fans’ visit to Centenary Conference

Note on ‘Myth and Magic’ figures

Order form

Amon Hen No. 115, May (published June 7th)

₪ ‘Stop Press’ on Oxonmoot and other matters

Oxonmoot booking form

Advert for Bodleian Tolkien exhibition

Advert for books by Colin Duriez.

Order form

Advert for Centenary tie and ‘Fall of Gondolin’ Song Cycle

Amon Hen No. 116, July (published ?July)


Mallorn No. 29, August 1992 (ed. David Doughan)

Report on 1992 AGM

Note appealing for someone to co-ordinate publishing of Seminar Proceedings

Flyer for Descriptive Bibliography from St Paul’s Bibliographies.


Amon Hen No. 117, September

It is unclear that this was a multiple mailing. Conceivably Mallorn was distributed during the course of the Centenary Conference (August 17th–24th), but Amon Hen is definitely post-Conference.

Advert for Bodleian Tolkien exhibition catalogue

Advert for ‘The Quest Fellowship’

Advert for Faith Tolkien’s plaque of Tolkien

₪ ‘Stop Press’ on Society matters including stamp covers

Order form

British Philatelic Bureau order form

A.G. Bradbury order form for first day covers

₪ ‘Shire evocations’ catalogue plus order form for LotR figurines

Amon Hen No. 118, November (published ?November)

₪ ‘Stop Press’ on Society matters

Advert for sweatshirts

Order form


Amon Hen No. 119, January (published February 12th)

Amon Hen No. 120, March (published ?March) (acting ed. Mike Percival)

Note on Constitution amendment and Stop Press

Booking form for AGM

Registration form for Seminar

Amon Hen No. 121, May (published June 7th) (ed. Derrick Stott)

₪ ‘Stop Press’ with various news items

Oxonmoot flyer/registration form

Seminar registration form

Advert for production of Gormenghast

Order form

Amon Hen No. 122, July (published August 10th)

Oxonmoot Progress Report

Order form

Flyer plus order form for James Benson and James of York’s Middle Earth chess set

Note on special offer from Society of Rob Inglis’s LotR reading and other items

Mallorn No. 30, September 1993 (published September 17th [?Oxonmoot]) (ed. Patricia Reynolds and John Ellison)

Amon Hen No. 123, September (published ?September)

Possibly part of a multiple mailing with Mallorn No. 30.

Pull-out supplement on 1993 AGM

Order form

Advert for ‘Collectables Collectors Club’

Amon Hen No. 124, November (published December 22nd)

Listing of ‘Harper Collins Tolkien Books’

Order form


Amon Hen No. 125, January (published January 28th) (acting ed. Amanda Fingleson)

AGM accommodation form

AGM booking form

Menu for Annual Dinner

Amon Hen No. 126, March (published March 18th) (ed. Richard Fraser Overton)

Note on Constitutional amendment

AGM accommodation form

AGM booking form

Amon Hen No. 127, [?May] (published May 23rd)

Oxonmoot registration form

Note on Seminar

AGM accommodation form

Publications questionnaire

Order form (first six-page one, with books)

Amon Hen No. 128, [?July] (published ?July)

Discworld goods order form (℅ Malcolm Lindley)

Amon Hen No. 129, [?September] (published September 16th [Oxonmoot])

Flyer for Queen Galadriel Cruise

Amon Hen No. 130, November (published November 28th)

Order form

Advert for Somerset Collectables LotR chess set



Mallorn No. 31, December 1994 (ed. Patricia Reynolds and John Ellison)


Amon Hen No. 131, [?January] (acting ed. Amanda Campbell [<Fingleson])

Amon Hen No. 132, March (published ?March) (Ed. Richard Fraser Overton)

Seminar booking form

Order form

Brochure for the ‘official’ LotR chess set from Danbury Mint

Amon Hen No. 133, May (published May 24th)

Oxonmoot booking form

Amon Hen No. 134, July (published July 26th)

Pull-out supplement on 1995 AGM

Oxonmoot booking form

Proceedings order form

Order form

MULTIPLE MAILING (September 15th [Oxonmoot])

Mallorn No. 32, September 1995 (ed. Patricia Reynolds and John Ellison)


Amon Hen No. 135, September.

Flyer for Queen Galadriel cruise

Mallorn No. 33, 1995 (published ?late 1995). Special Centenary Conference Proceedings issue, ed. Patricia Reynolds and Glen GoodKnight.

Amon Hen No. 136, November (published ca. November 24th)

Order form


Amon Hen No. 137, January (published January 25th)

AGM booking form

Amon Hen No. 138, March (published March 21st)

Note on Constitutional amendments

Seminar booking form

Society flyer plus application form

Amon Hen No. 139, May (published May 24th)

Society flyer/application form

Advert for ‘The Ring Goes South’ open-air performance

Oxonmoot booking form

Order form

Amon Hen No. 140, July (published July 31st)

Σ Special supplement on 1996 AGM

Order form

Amon Hen No. 141, September (published September 27th)

Amon Hen No. 142, November (published November 22nd)

Covenant form



Mallorn No. 34, December 1996 (ed. Patricia Reynolds and John Ellison)


Amon Hen No. 143, January (ed. Andrew McMurry)

Σ 8-page order form

AGM booking form

Amon Hen No. 144, March (published ?March 7th)

Seminar booking form

Amon Hen No. 145, May (published May 27th)

Σ 8-page order form

Oxonmoot booking form

Amon Hen No. 146, July (published July 30th)

Σ Special supplement on 1997 AGM

Oxonmoot booking form


Mallorn No. 35, September 1997 (ed. Patricia Reynolds and John Ellison)


Amon Hen No. 147, September (published October 9th)

Order form

Amon Hen No. 148, November (published November 27th)


Amon Hen No. 149, January (published February 6th)

Σ 8-page order form

AGM booking form

Amon Hen No. 150, March (published March 19th)

Amon Hen No. 151, May (published May 26th)

Σ 8-page order form

Oxonmoot booking form

Appeal for helpers with Society business

Discworld Convention application form

Amon Hen No. 152, July (published July 23rd)

Σ Special supplement on 1998 AGM

Oxonmoot booking form

Copy of the Society Constitution

Amon Hen No. 153, September (published September 23rd)

Order form

Amon Hen No. 154, November (published November 18th)

Σ 8-page order form

Copy of HarperCollins’ Tolkien Times

Mallorn No. 36, November 1998 (published December 18th) (ed. Patricia Reynolds and John Ellison)


Amon Hen No. 155, January (published February 3rd)

AGM booking form

Amon Hen No. 156, March (published March 15th)

Seminar booking form

Amon Hen No. 157, May (published May 28th)

Σ 8-page order form

Oxonmoot booking form

Copy of Society Constitution

HarperCollins bookmark

Amon Hen No. 158, July (published July 30th)

Σ Annual Report for 1998–1999

Oxonmoot booking form

Advert for Oxford Inklings exhibition

Advert for Mithril Miniatures

Amon Hen No. 159, September (published September 29th)

Σ 8-page order form

Flyer for Literary Oxford book

Advert for Milestone Players’ Lord of the Rings

MULTIPLE MAILING (December 17th)

Mallorn No. 37, December 1999 (ed. Len Sanford, consultant ed. John Ellison)


Amon Hen No. 160, November

Σ 8-page order form


Amon Hen No. 161, January (published January 31st) (ed. Andrew Butler)

AGM booking form

Amon Hen No. 162, March (published ca. March 29th)

Seminar booking form

Amon Hen No. 163, May (published May 31st)

Σ 8-page order form

Oxonmoot booking form

Gift Aid Declaration form

Amon Hen No. 164, July (published August 2nd)

Greenwood Publishing brochure

Oxonmoot booking form

Amon Hen No. 165, September (published September 25th)

British Library ‘adopt a book’ brochure

Amon Hen No. 166, November (published December 2nd)

8-page order form



Mallorn No. 38, January 2001 (ed. Len Sanford, consultant ed. John Ellison)


Amon Hen No. 167, January

AGM booking form

Amon Hen No. 168, March (published March 3rd)

Amon Hen No. 169, May (published ?May)

Oxonmoot booking form

8-page order form

Amon Hen No. 170, July (published July 27th)

Annual Report 2000

Oxonmoot booking form

Postcard concerning local cinemas


Mallorn No. 39, September 2001 (ed. Len Sanford, consultant ed. John Ellison)


Amon Hen No. 171, September

Flyer for Colin Duriez book and details of talk

8-page order form

Amon Hen No. 172, November (published November 28th)

2005 booking form

Brochure for Daeron’s Books


Amon Hen No. 173, January (published January 28th)

2005 booking form

Copy of Society Constitution

12-page Tolkien Society Trading Catalogue

1-sheet order form

Amon Hen No. 174, March (published ca. March 18th)

Seminar booking form

2005 booking form

British Library ‘adopt a book’ brochure

Amon Hen No. 175, May (published June 15th)

Oxonmoot booking form

1-sheet order form

Amon Hen No. 176, July (published August 8th)

Oxonmoot booking form

1-sheet order form

Amon Hen No. 177, September (published September 16th)


Order form

Mallorn No. 40, November 2002 (published December 7th) (ed. Len Sanford, consultant ed. John Ellison)

Order form

Amon Hen No. 178, November (published December 12th)

2001 Annual Report

Daeron’s Books brochure


Amon Hen No. 179, January (published ca. February 8th)

Copy of Society Constitution

AGM booking form


Order form

Amon Hen No. 180, March (published March 19th)

Oxonmoot booking form

Seminar booking form

Amon Hen No. 181, May (published May 30th)

University of Birmingham flyer for ‘Tolkien Birmingham and Beyond’ Summer School

Oxonmoot booking form

Order form

MULTIPLE MAILING (ca. August 8th)

Mallorn No. 41, July 2003 (ed. Len Sanford, consultant ed. John Ellison)


Amon Hen No. 182, July

Oxonmoot booking form

Order form

Amon Hen No. 183, September (published October 2nd)


Order form

Amon Hen No. 184, November (published December 1st)

Order form

A G Bradbury brochure for Tolkien Society first day covers


Amon Hen No. 185, January (published January 9th)

AGM booking form

16-page catalogue

Order form

Tolkien Society Trading Questionnaire

Amon Hen No. 186, March (published ca. March 27th)

Oxonmoot booking form

Seminar booking form

Order form

Amon Hen No. 187, May (published June 8th)

Oxonmoot booking form

2005 Booking form

Order form


Mallorn No. 42, August 2004 (ed. Len Sanford, consultant ed. John Ellison)


Amon Hen No. 188, July

Oxonmoot booking form

Order form

Amon Hen No. 189, September (published October 13th)


Order form

Amon Hen No. 190, November (published December 6th)

Order form


Amon Hen No. 191, January (published January 27th)

AGM booking form

2005 booking form

Order form

Amon Hen No. 192, March (published March 18th)

2005 booking form

Authatrails Ltd. survey form

Amon Hen No. 193, May (published ca. May 20th)


Mallorn No. 43, July 2005 (ed. Len Sanford, consultant ed. John Ellison)


Amon Hen No. 194, July

Oxonmoot booking form

Amon Hen No. 195, September (published September 30th)

16-page catalogue

Order form

Amon Hen No. 196, November (published November 26th)


Amon Hen No. 197, January (published February 1st)

Advert for Ted Nasmith Limited Edition prints/The Art of Ruth Lacon

AGM booking form

Amon Hen No. 198, March (published March 10th)

Seminar 2006 Booking Form

Advert for ‘One Morning Long Ago’, an art exhibition featuring the works of Ted Nasmith and Ruth Lacon / springtime ‘party’ in the heart of the Cotswolds

Order form for Reading The Lord of the Rings, ed. Robert Eaglestone

Amon Hen No. 199, May (published June 10th)

Oxonmoot Booking Form

Amon Hen No. 200, July (published July 29th)

Advert for ‘Where Many Paths and Errands Meet’, an art exhibition featuring the works of Ted Nasmith and Ruth Lacon, at Moreton-In-Marsh

Oxonmoot Booking Form

MULTIPLE MAILING (September 13th)

Mallorn No. 44, August 2006 (ed. Len Sanford, consultant ed. John Ellison)


Amon Hen No. 201, September

Tolkien Society Trading Ltd. Catalogue (16pp)

Tolkien Society Trading Ltd. Order form

Amon Hen No. 202, November (published December 5th)

Seminar Booking Form


Amon Hen No. 203, January (published February 9th)
AGM booking form

Amon Hen No. 204, March (published March 15th)
Seminar booking form

Amon Hen No. 205, May (published June 11th)
Oxonmoot booking form

Amon Hen No. 206, July (published July 30th)
Oxonmoot booking form

Amon Hen No. 207, September (published October 4th)

Amon Hen No. 208, November (published November 26th)

Tolkien Society Trading Ltd. Catalogue (16pp)

Tolkien Society Trading Ltd. Order form



Mallorn No. 45, Spring 2008 (ed. Henry Gee)


Amon Hen No. 209, January

Annual Dinner booking form

₪ ‘Castles In The Mist’ Free Entry leaflet

Amon Hen No. 210, March (published March 17th)

Seminar booking form

Oxonmoot booking form

Amon Hen No. 211, May (published June 4th)


Mallorn No. 46, Autumn 2008 (ed. Henry Gee)


Amon Hen No. 212, July

Tolkien Society Trading Ltd. Order Form

Oxonmoot booking form

Tolkien Society Trading Ltd. Catalogue

Amon Hen No. 213, September (published September 22nd)

Return of the Ring booking form

Amon Hen No. 214, November (published December 12th)


Amon Hen No. 215, January (published February 12th)

Annual Dinner booking form


Mallorn No. 47, Spring 2009 (ed. Henry Gee)


Amon Hen No. 216, March

Flier for ‘The Middle-earth Weekend 2009’.

Amon Hen No. 217, May (published ?June 2nd)

Oxonmoot Booking Form.

Seminar Booking Form.

Amon Hen No. 218, July (published August 1st)

Oxonmoot Booking Form.


Mallorn No. 48, Autumn 2009 (ed. Henry Gee)


Amon Hen No. 219, September

Amon Hen No. 220, November (published December 7th)


Amon Hen No. 221, January (published February 4th)

Amon Hen No. 222, March (published March 15th)

AGM Booking Form.

Seminar Booking Form.


Mallorn No. 49, Spring 2010 (ed. Henry Gee)


Amon Hen No. 223, May

Oxonmoot Booking Form.

Amon Hen No. 224, July (published July 16th)

Oxonmoot Booking Form.

₪ ‘Edge of the Wild’ flier.

Amon Hen No. 225, September (published October 2nd)

Return of the Ring Booking Form.

MULTIPLE MAILING (December 13th)

Mallorn No. 50, Autumn 2010 (ed. Henry Gee)


Amon Hen No. 226, November

Stop Press!


Amon Hen No. 227, January (published January 31st)

AGM Dinner Booking Form.

Amon Hen No. 228, March (published March 11th)

AGM Dinner Booking Form.


Mallorn No. 51, Spring 2011 (ed. Henry Gee)


Amon Hen No. 229, May

Seminar Booking Form.

Oxonmoot Booking Form.

Amon Hen No. 230, July (published July 28th)

Amon Hen No. 231, September (published October 7th )

MULTIPLE MAILING (November 23rd )

Mallorn No. 52, Autumn 2011 (ed. Henry Gee)


Amon Hen No. 232, November 2011


Amon Hen No. 233, January 2012 (published February 1st)

A.G.M. Booking Form.

Amon Hen No. 234, March 2012 (published March 19th)


Mallorn No. 53, Spring 2012 (ed. Henry Gee)


Amon Hen No. 235, May 2012

Oxonmoot Booking Form.

Return of the Ring Booking Form.

Amon Hen No. 236, July 2012 (published July 21st)

Amon Hen No. 237, September 2012 (published September 26th)

Amon Hen No. 238, November 2012 (published November 26th)

Flyer for Journeys into Middle-earth.


Amon Hen No. 239, January 2013 (published February 16th)

A.G.M. Booking Form.

Amon Hen No. 240, March 2013 (published April 10th)

Seminar Booking Form.


Mallorn No. 54, Spring 2013 (ed. Henry Gee)


Amon Hen No. 241, May 2013

Oxonmoot Booking Form.

2013 Members’ Questionnaire.

Amon Hen No. 242, July 2013 (published July 29th)

Amon Hen No. 243, September 2013 (published October 2nd)

Amon Hen No. 244, November 2013 (published December 13th)


Amon Hen No. 245, January 2014 (published February 1st)

A.G.M. Booking Form.

Amon Hen No. 246, March 2014 (published March 26th)

Oxonmoot Booking Form.

Flyer for Journeys into Middle-earth.

Amon Hen No. 247, May 2014 (published May 19th)

Amon Hen No. 248, August 2014 (published August 18th)

Amon Hen No. 249, September 2014 (published early October?)

MULTIPLE MAILING (December 15th)

Mallorn No. 55, Winter 2014 (ed. Helen Armstrong)


Amon Hen No. 250, November 2014


Amon Hen No. 251, January 2015 (published February 7th)

A.G.M. Booking Form.

Amon Hen No. 252, March 2015 (published March 14th)

Tolkien Society Seminar Booking Form.

Oxonmoot Booking Form.

Amon Hen No. 253, May 2015 (published May 29th)

Amon Hen No. 254, July 2015 (published July 27th)

Amon Hen No. 255, September 2015 (published September 25th)

MULTIPLE MAILING (December 18th)

Mallorn No. 56, Winter 2015 (ed. Rosalinda Haddon)


Amon Hen No. 256, November 2015

Amon Hen Questionnaire.


Amon Hen No. 257, January 2016 (published February 6th)

Springmoot and A.G.M. Booking Form.

Tolkien Society Seminar Booking Form.

Amon Hen No. 258, March 2016 (published March 7th)

Amon Hen Questionnaire.

Amon Hen No. 259, May 2016 (published May 28th)

Oxonmoot Booking Form.

Amon Hen No. 260, July 2016 (published August 3rd)

Amon Hen No. 261, September 2016 (published October 7th)

Amon Hen No. 262, September 2015 (published December 10th)

Dates For Your Diary Booking Form.

1 Accurata bibliografia specialistica che Charles Noad nel 2016 diede a Franco Manni per “Endòre”.