Editorial |
Two points of view, by Endòre |
Articles |
Historical Bias in the making of the Silmarillion, by Alex Lewis (translated by Roberto Di Scala) |
Narration in the Lord of the Rings, by Beppe Roncari |
An Enquiry on the Psychology of the Dwarves, by David Funk (translated by Carlo Stagnaro) |
Shall I at Least Set My Lands in Order, by Roberto Di Scala |
A Misunderstood Man, by Joseph Pearce (translated by Roberto Di Scala) |
Forum |
The Water Pool, by Lorenzo Daniele |
The Unbearable Wait, by F. Casu and F. Delle Rupi |
Panel on Dwarves, by Endòre |
A Semi-serious Analogy between Tolkien and the Job of the Bible, by Alberto Quagliaroli |
The Interviewers of the Evil, by Elena Grecchi and Beppe Roncari |
Fiction |
One glade in the Ithilien - 2nd part, by Alex Lewis (translated by Roberto di Scala) |
The Western Land of the West And Other poems, by Alberto Quagliaroli |
The Fall of Isengard, by Enrico Imperatori |
The New Shadow, by J. R. R. Tolkien (translated by Roberto Di Scala) |
Reviews |
Joseph Pearce - Tolkien: a Celebration, by Paolo Barbiano di Belgiojoso |
H. Dickinson - A Film Portrait, by Lorenzo Daniele |
The Italian Translation of Beowulf: the Monsters and the Critics, by
Franco Manni |
Columns |
JRRT's opinion about ... Movies on ThLotR, by Franco Manni |
Internet Corner - The Sites on the Movie, by Agostino Maiello |
Gollum's Cave - Don't Do That, o Dark Lord !, by Edoardo Vitto |
Mathom - ThLorR Vignettes, by Riccardo Moretti |
The Hobbiville Library - Updates from UK and USA, by Enrico Imperatori |
The Archives of Minas Tirith - The Anniversaries, by Beppe Roncari |
Merp |
Master Halgan's Workshop, by Enrico Clementel |